If you are in an auto accident, it is common to sustain some injuries. Often, injuries from auto accidents don’t show symptoms for days or weeks after the accident, so you may not even know you are injured. Pinched nerves, muscle strains, whiplash, and disc damage are just some examples of injuries that may not manifest until later.

Request an Appointment

At Ponte Vedra Wellness Center, serving Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, we offer several treatment options that get the root cause of your pain to eliminate it at the source.

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

Chiropractic care is your drug-free solution to pain relief. We screen our auto accident patients for spinal misalignment, pain levels, headaches, and sometimes need X-rays to get a comprehensive look at what’s going on.

These screenings and tests let us find exactly what is causing your pain and precisely what needs to be done to make it stop. Our auto accident chiropractor tailors a custom treatment plan for your recovery.

Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Your exact injuries will help us determine what various therapies may need to be applied and when. Our goal is to alleviate your pain and help your body heal so you can avoid future injuries.

Spinal Manipulation and Decompression

Spinal stretching lengthens and relieves the pressure between the discs in your spine. Lengthening of the spine increases blood flow throughout the area, sending healing properties to any injured areas. Discs benefit from the decompression and use the opportunity to relax. Our chiropractor will determine if this treatment is necessary based on your injuries.

Corrective Exercises

Depending on your injury, our chiropractor may recommend stretching and strengthening exercises to help your body heal and recover after an injury. These exercises work to increase your body’s range of motion and stimulate proper blood flow. These methods can also improve tissue healing and alleviate pain. Our chiropractor may give you exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Contact Us Today for Auto Accident Injury Treatment

If you are suffering from an auto accident injury, don’t wait to get treatment. At Ponte Vedra Wellness Center, serving Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, we have your wellness needs covered. You don’t have to live with unnecessary pain. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call us today.