Consistent headaches after an auto accident can be painful and debilitating. Victims of a car accident can begin suffering headaches immediately. However, headaches can sometimes crop up even after hours or days after a crash. Headaches post-accident can be mild or more intense due to sustaining a traumatic brain injury.

Request an Appointment

Regardless of the severity of your headache, it’s paramount to seek chiropractic care immediately after a car crash to get the proper auto accident injury treatment you need. If you have been in an auto accident or are suffering from recurring headaches, our team at Ponte Vedra Wellness Center in Ponte Vedra Beach is here to help. We offer several non-invasive techniques that blend with chiropractic care for optimal relief.

Symptoms of Headaches to Look for After a Car Accident

Patients often experience various symptoms after an auto accident, depending on the severity of the collision. However, common symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite coupled with nausea and dizziness
  • Dull and aching headaches or repetitive headaches
  • Feeling of tightness or pressure across your forehead or at the back of your head
  • Changes in your mood, personality, or cognitive ability

Causes of Headaches After a Car Accident

Recurring headaches after a car crash are common. They often occur when a victim suffers trauma to the neck or head. Common causes of headaches include:

  • Pinching of the spinal nerves and at the base of the skull
  • The trauma of the victim striking their head on the steering wheel, window, dashboard, or immovable object
  • Muscle injuries such as strains, spasms, and tears within the neck and upper back
  • Fracture of the skull or spine
  • Rapturing of the discs or bulging of the spine
  • Whiplash

How a Chiropractor Helps to Relieve Headaches After a Car Accident

Immediately after a car crash, it’s challenging to determine the type and severity of the injury. In most cases, the underlying causes of headaches after an auto accident are misalignments in the spine’s structures or damage of the neck and upper back vertebrae. Our chiropractor employs natural adjustments to relieve headaches. Common treatments include:

Spinal decompression: It’s a non-surgical therapy to undertake auto accident injury treatment for a degenerative disc, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs.

Manual adjustment: Realigns spine structures and enhancing muscle healing and functioning of the neck.

Exercises: Helps in strengthening supporting muscles, improving movement.

Contact Us for Auto Accident Injury Treatment from Our Chiropractor in Ponte Verda Beach, FL

Are you suffering from chronic headaches after an auto accident? Get in touch with us at Ponte Vedra Wellness Center at our Ponte Vedra Beach location for an appointment with our auto accident chiropractor to evaluate your symptoms. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you live pain-free.