Herniated discs can cause excruciating pain and significantly impact your range of motion if you do not treat them. Fortunately, care from a chiropractor near you can help you achieve long-lasting leg and back pain relief while improving your mobility. Ponte Vedra Wellness Center in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, can provide holistic and non-invasive treatment to reduce pain, speed up your recovery, and drastically improve your quality of life. Continue reading to learn about herniated discs and how we can treat them.

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What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc impacts the inner part of your spinal disc. The soft inner portion of the disc pushes through the bone, resulting in pain and discomfort when the ruptured disc presses on a nerve. You may experience numbness, weakness, and pain. You may also experience shooting leg pain from your back down your leg when you have a herniated disc. Going to an experienced chiropractor may provide welcome relief from these symptoms. Your medical practitioner may also suggest that you seek chiropractic care in addition to your regular treatment.

Cervical vs Lumbar Back Pain and Other Symptoms

Herniation typically happens in the cervical discs in your neck or the lumbar discs supporting your lower back. Bulging cervical discs can cause neck pain, cramping, radiating arm pain, and tingling and weakness in your hands. Conversely, lumber herniated discs often cause lower back pain and tightness, radiating leg pain or sciatica, and weakness or tingling in your legs and feet. Lumbar herniated discs can also contribute to poor bladder control in rare cases.

What Can a Chiropractor Do for Your Herniated Disc Pain?

Our experienced chiropractor will examine your injury and determine the root cause of the herniated disc. They can then develop a treatment plan to provide long-lasting pain relief and improved range of motion once they detect the underlying cause. Two primary techniques our chiropractors can use are spinal decompression and pelvic blocking treatments.

Spinal decompression reduces pressure on the impacted discs by using a distinct table that gently stretches the spine. Doing this can alleviate tension and provide leg and back pain relief. The release may also alleviate chronic pain since this technique creates distance between the herniation and the pressed nerve.

Pelvic-blocking treatments use cushioned wedges placed under the pelvic area, allowing our chiropractor to draw the slipped disc away from the compressed nerve. This technique typically alleviates several symptoms, including headaches and body pain.

Get Chiropractic Care for a Herniated Disc Today at Ponte Vedra Wellness Center

Herniated discs can cause debilitating pain that makes working or enjoying your day-to-day life challenging, so contact Ponte Vedra Wellness Center in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, to get the chiropractic care needed to help you feel like yourself again. Call us and schedule a consultation today at our Ponte Vedra Beach office at (904) 273-2691.