A pinched nerve often causes a sharp, agonizing pain that can radiate to other parts of the body. At Ponte Vedra Wellness Center, our chiropractor has many years of experience helping people with pinched nerves find relief.
Request an AppointmentWhat Causes Pinched Nerves?
A pinched nerve is exactly what it sounds like- tissue (including bones, cartilage, tendons, and/or muscles) applies excess pressure to a nerve. This can result in a number of different symptoms, including pain, weakness, and numbness. Some pinched nerves exhibit symptoms constantly, while others only hurt during certain motions. Back injury is a common cause of pinched nerves, as herniated or bulging discs (an injury of the soft material that sits between the vertebrae) can put pressure on nerves.
Pinched nerves can occur as a normal part of the aging process, as tissue and discs in the back, neck, and other joints begin to naturally break down. A pinched nerve can also be caused by an injury, or by something as simple as sleeping in an uncomfortable or unsupported position.
Chiropractic Pinched Nerve Treatment
When you come in for your first appointment to treat your pinched nerve, our chiropractor will talk with you about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. You’ll also discuss your lifestyle, to give our chiropractor insight to what factors may be aggravating your pinched nerve. Your chiropractor will talk with you about treatment options, and you’ll work together to create a treatment plan. If you both feel that chiropractic treatment is a good next step for you, you may undergo your first treatment the same day. Typically, the first treatment we like to try for pinched nerves is a spinal adjustment. For many people, the simple process of aligning the spine takes away some of the pressure on the nerve, allowing your body to experience nearly immediate pain relief. We may also recommend medical massage, hot and cold therapy, and lifestyle changes. Even changes that seem simple, such as reducing the amount of inflammatory foods you consume, can go a long way in allowing your pinched nerve to heal.
While it’s likely that you’ll feel at least some relief after your first appointment, we recommend that you continue working with our chiropractor for the length of your treatment plan. If you stop treatment early, it’s likely that your pinched nerve symptoms will return.
Call Our Ponte Vedra Beach Chiropractor
If you’re struggling with pain from a pinched nerve, we understand how frustrating recovery can be. Our chiropractor is here to help. Call Ponte Vedra Wellness Center at (904) 273-2691 to schedule your first appointment today.